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6. 在对捕捉、收购、贩运、销售青蛙的查处方面,水产和林业部门存在职能交叉。

作者简介:宋飞,1980年12月11日生, 毕业于华中科技大学法学院,现在湖北黄冈市黄州区政府法制办工作.曾在法律图书馆网发表论文《人治与法治的较量-兼论德治》、《从一案看劳动教养制度的存废》、《房地产权属变更案例评析》、《试论国有资产流失与法律规制》、《周??与》、《盖尤斯与》、《格老秀斯法学思想研究》、《制定法、成文法概念比较研究》、《宪法定义新论》、《试论我国法学教育的现状问题与对策》、《对12起处罚决定被撤销的复议案的法理分析》、《公司法与劳动法竞业禁止原则之比较》、《试论公司监事制度》、《评柏拉图中译本——兼与张智仁、何勤华先生商榷》、《评格老秀斯中译本——兼与何勤华先生商榷》;译作《中国传统哲学与争端解决》、《美国诉微软案》、《屠宰场案的负面影响》。





第一章 总 则
第一条 为了认真贯彻党的十六大精神,适应人才竞争国际化的需要,加快实施“科教兴朔”战略,为我市经济和社会的争先发展提供有力的人才支撑保障,特制定本规定。
第二条 本规定所指优秀人才是指:
第三条 本规定适用于我市范围内具有用人自主权和独立法人资格的所有机关、事业单位、国有企业、民营经济组织、独资企业。
第四条 执行本规定必须坚持有利于引进各类人才,有利于发展社会生产力,有利于推动科技进步,有利于提高经济效益和社会效益,有利于建立优良的投资环境和人才环境。

第二章 方法与措施
第五条 积极开辟引进优秀人才的绿色通道。对引进的优秀人才采取调动、聘用、兼职、学术交流、担任顾问、咨询等多种形式。
第六条 对愿调入或经考试录用、聘用到本市工作的国家级中青年专家、高级专业技术人员、硕士学位以上研究生以及取得学士学位且单位急需专业对口的本科毕业生,在进入国家机关或事业单位时可不受人事计划和编制限制,由用人单位或本人提出申请,经组织、人事部门审核确认后,根据需要,简化办事程序,先接收,后逐步理顺。
第七条 引进高层次优秀人才的家属、子女可随调随迁,其工作由用人单位负责安排;用人单位有困难不能安排的,由政府人事、劳动等部门协调安排,其子女入学入托可在全市范围内任选学校和幼儿园,并不得收取国家规定之外的费用。
第八条 引进的高级专业技术人才其专业技术职务随到随聘,事业单位可不受单位岗位职数的限制,对贡献突出的还可以低职高聘。
第九条 引进的博士研究生可享受用人单位副职领导干部有关待遇;引进的硕士研究生可享受用人单位中层干部有关待遇。
第十条 对自愿来我市工作的外市地的大学本科毕业生,暂时不能落实工作单位的,由市人才交流服务中心人事代理,两年内免收人事代理有关费用,并优先推荐其落实就业单位。同时,本地大、中专毕业生也要全部纳入人才市场管理,由市人才交流服务中心为其办理人事代理的各项业务。
第十一条 对引进我市工作的高层次优秀人才,要提供相对优越的办公条件和居住条件。根据我市实际,按下列标准发给安家补巾:
第十二条 对引进的优秀人才,实行灵活多样的分配形式。可以实行年薪制、协议工资、项目工资、课题工资等;也可以资本、技术等要素参与分配。同时根据其工作岗位和贡献大小,还可以发给一定数量的奖金。
第十三条 对高层次优秀人才携带技术项目、专利在我市投产或研制开发新产品、推广应用新成果产生经济效益的,除用人单位按规定给予奖励外,在项目投产5年内,同级政府按每年新增缴地方所得税部分的20%比例给予奖励,奖金全部发给个人。
第十四条 为保证优秀人才的身体健康,凡博士以上研究生及副高以上专业技术人员,每年进行一次全面健康检查,并享受 10一15天的公费疗养。其经费来源根据其所在单位性质,由用人单位或同级财政负担。
第十五条 鼓励本市企事业单位通过市引进国外智力部门或其它渠道,引进国外的管理和技术专家,帮助解决技术难题、参与科研开发、传授管理经验、举办科技知识讲座等。凡经过市里引进的外国专家每人每天补贴生活费100元。

第三章 组织领导
第十六条 加强引进人才工作的领导。各级政府都要高度重视人才工作,市、县区两级都要成立引进人才智力工作领导组,定期研究引才引智工作,及时解决工作中出现的新情况、新问题。市领导组办公室设在市人事局。
第十七条 市、县区人事部门会同组织部门负责本地引进优秀人才的综合管理工作,教育、科技、公安、财政、劳动、编制等部门按各自职责,及时提供服务,共同做好此项工作。
第十八条 加大政府对人才工作的投入力度。“十五”期间市财政每年预留出100万元,作为朔州市引进优秀人才专项经费,重点用于资助各类优秀人才科研、工作、继续教育、生活补助和专家的学术交流以及奖励经费。专项经费的使用,将另行制定办法。总的要求是,单位提出申请,经领导组办公室审核,市长签审后由财政拨付。各县区财政也要拿出相应经费,用于引进优秀人才工作。
第十九条 创造引进人才的良好环境。大力宣传我市改革开放的巨大成就,宣传优秀人才中先进人物的模范事迹,努力营造尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造的良好社会氛围。建立领导与优秀人才联系制度,不仅用事业、待遇引才,更要用感情引才、留才。各级领导对优秀人才要从政治上关心、生活上照顾,经常听取他们的意见和建议,及时研究解决他们在工作、生活中遇到的实际困难,为他们早出成果、多出成果创造良好的条件。
第二十条 积极推进企事业单位引进人才主体到位。按照建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,充分发挥企事业单位在引进、培养和使用优秀人才工作中的主体作用,调动他们的积极性、主动性。各级政府及其工作部门都要尊重他们的用人自主权,为他们引进人才打开方便之门,提供优质服务。

第四章 附 则
第二十一条 本规定由朔州市人事局负责解释。
第二十二条 本规定从发布之日起执行。






第一条 本规定中投资公司系指外国投资者在中国以独资或与中国投资者合资的形式设立的从事直接投资的公司。公司形式为有限责任公司。
第二条 申请设立投资公司应符合下列条件:
第三条 申请设立投资公司,投资者应将下列文件经拟设立投资公司所在地的省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市外经贸部门审核同意后,报对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称外经贸部)审查批准。
第四条 外国投资者须以可自由兑换的货币作为投资公司注册资本的出资,中国投资者可以人民币出资。出资应在营业执照签发之日起两年内全部缴清。
第五条 投资公司经批准可以经营以下部分或全部业务:
第六条 本规定第五条第二款所述投资公司所投资企业系指:
第七条 经中国人民银行批准,投资公司可向其所投资设立的企业提供财务支持。
第八条 根据投资公司拟设立的项目性质,按照国家有关外商投资企业经营期限的规定核定投资公司的期限。
第九条 投资公司投资设立企业,按外商投资企业的审批权限及审批程序另行报批。
第十条 投资公司投资设立企业,投资公司或与其他外国投资者的外汇投资比例不低于其所投资设立企业的注册资本的25%的,其所投资的企业享受外商投资企业待遇,发给外商投资企业批准证书和外商投资企业营业执照。
第十一条 符合本规定第二条第(一)款第1项所规定条件的外国投资者可以其全资拥有的子公司的名义出资设立投资公司。
第十二条 申请设立投资公司的投资者须向审批机关出具担保函,保证其所设立的投资公司在中国境内投资时的注册资本的出资和技术转让。
第十三条 投资公司在中国境内的投资活动不受公司注册地点的限制。
第十四条 投资公司的税收按中国有关法律、法规办理。
第十五条 投资公司应切实履行项目投资计划,并将每一年度的投资情况于下一年度的前三个月内报外经贸部备案。
第十六条 投资公司与其投资设立的企业是彼此独立的法人或实体,其业务往来应按独立企业之间业务往来关系处理。
第十七条 投资公司与其投资设立的企业应遵守中国的法律、法规,不得采用任何手段逃避管理和纳税。
第十八条 台湾、香港和澳门地区的投资者在大陆投资举办投资公司的,准用本规定。
第十九条 本规定由对外贸易经济合作部负责解释。
第二十条 本规定自发布之日起施行。

Provisional Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Eco-nomic Cooperation on the Establishment of Investment Companies by ForeignInvestors

(Promulgated on April 4, 1995)

Whole document
Provisional Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation on the Establishment of Investment Companies by Foreign
(Promulgated on April 4, 1995)
In order to promote foreign investment in China and to introduce
foreign advanced technology and managerial expertise, foreign investors
are permitted to establish investment companies (hereinafter referred to
as "investment company") in China in accordance with the Chinese laws and
regulations governing foreign investment and these Regulations.
Article 1
For the purpose of these Regulations, the term "Investment Company"
means a company that is engaged in direct investment and established by
foreign investors in China in the form of either a wholly foreign owned
enterprise or an equity joint venture with Chinese investors. The
investment company shall take the form of a limited liability company.
Article 2
To apply for approval to establish an investment company, the
following conditions shall be fulfilled:
(a) the foreign investor having a good credit and the economic
strength necessary for the establishment of an investment company; the
total amount of the investor's assets during the year preceding the
application being no be less than US $ 400 million, and the investor
having already established foreign-invested enterprise (s) within the
territory of China; and the amount of the investor's actually paid-in
capital contribution to the registered capital thereof exceeding US $ 10
million. Furthermore, more than three project proposals of the investor's
intended investment projects have been approved; or
(b) the foreign investor having a good credit and the economic
strength necessary for the establishment of an investment company; the
investor have already established more than 10 foreign-invested
enterprises in the people's Republic of China which are engaged in
production or infrastructure construction, and the total amount of the
investor's actually paid-in capital contribution to the registered capital
thereof exceeding US $ 30 million.
(2) In case the investment company is to be established in the form of
an Chinese-foreign equity joint venture, the Chinese investor shall have
good creditability and the economic strength necessary for the
establishment of such company, and the total amount of the Chinese
investor's assets shall not be less than RMB100 million. and
(3)the registered capital of the investment company being not be less
than US $ 30 million.
Article 3
To apply for the establishment of an investment company, the investor
shall submit the following documents to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "MOFTEC") for examination
and approval after the examination and consent obtained from the foreign
trade and economic cooperation authorities of the related province,
autonomous region, municipalities directly under the Central Government or
the municipalities specifically listed in the State economic plan in which
the investment company is to be located:
(1) If an investment company is to be established in the form of an
equity joint venture: the project proposal for the establishment of the
investment company, and the feasibility study, contract and articles of
association signed jointly by the parties to the investment company; or
If an investment company is to be established in the form of a wholly
foreign-owned enterprise: the project proposal, the wholly foreign-owned
enterprise application form, the feasibility study and articles of
association signed by the foreign investor.
(2) the creditability certificate for each investing party, the
registration certificate (duplicate) and the legal representative
certificate (duplicate);
(3)the approval certificate (s) (duplicate) for the enterprise (s)
already invested by the foreign investor, the business license (s)
(duplicate) and the capital verification report (duplicate) issued by
certified public accountants registered in China;
(4)the balance sheet of each investing party for the previous 3 years;
(5)other documents as required by MOFTEC.
All of the aforesaid documents shall be in the original except those
specified as duplicate.
In case the documents are to be signed by a non-legal representative,
a power of attorney issued by the legal representative shall be submitted.
In case the investor entrusts a lawfully established intermediary for
the application formalities, a power of attorney signed by the legal
representative of the investor shall be submitted.
Article 4
The foreign investor shall make its capital contribution to the
registered capital of the investment company in a freely convertible
currency. The Chinese investor may make its capital contribution in
Renminbi. All the capital contribution shall be paid in full within 2
years after the date of issuance of the business license.
Article 5
An investment company, upon approval, may be engaged in part or all
of the following business:
(1)To invest in fields such as industry, agriculture, infrastructure,
energy, etc., to the extent that foreign investment is encouraged or
permitted by the State;
(2)With written entrustment by enterprises with its investment (with
the unanimous approval by the board of directors), an investment company
may provide the following services for such enterprises:
(a)to assist, or act as agent for such enterprises in purchasing
domestically or overseas the machinery, equipment and office appliances
for their own use, and raw materials, components, and parts as being used
by the enterprises for their own production purpose, as well as to
distribute at both domestic and international markets the products
produced by the enterprises with its investment, and to provide
after-sales services;
(b)to balance foreign exchange revenue and expenditure among the
enterprises with its investment with the consent and under the supervision
of the foreign exchange administration authorities;
(c)to assist the enterprises with its investment in the recruitment
and employment of personnel and to provide technical training, market
development and consulting; and
(d) to assist the enterprises with its investment to seek loans and to
provide guarantees. and
(3)An investment company may provide consulting services for its
Article 6
For the purpose of Item 2, Article 5 of these regulations, enterprises
with investment from the investment company mean:
(1)the enterprises in which an investment company invests directly or
jointly with other foreign investors and/ or Chinese investors, and the
capital contribution of the investment company or of the investment
company together with other foreign investors, accounts for more than
twenty-five per cent of the registered capital of such enterprises already
established; and
(2)the enterprises already established within the territory of China
in which the capital contribution of the investment company and other
foreign investors account for more than twenty-five per cent of the
registered capital of such an enterprise as a result of purchasing part or
all of the shares from its investors, or its affiliated companies or other
foreign investors.
Unless otherwise specifically approved by MOFTEC, an investment
company can only provide services specified in Item 2, Article 5 hereof
for the enterprises with its investment as described above.
An investment company shall not be engaged in intermediary business
service related to trade in China on behalf of its investor(s).
Article 7
Upon the approval by the People's Bank of China, an investment company
may provide financial support for the enterprises with its investment.
Article 8
The term of operation of an investment company shall be examined and
approved in accordance with the relevant state regulations on the term of
operation of foreign-invested enterprises and on the basis of the nature
of the projects intended to be established by the Investment Company.
Article 9
The establishment of an enterprise in which an investment company
invests shall be separately submitted for approval in accordance with the
limits of approval authorization and the approval procedures for the
examination and approval of foreign-invested enterprises.
Article 10
An enterprise established by an investment company whose foreign
exchange investment solely made or together with other foreign investors
is not less than twenty-five per cent of the registered capital of the
enterprise shall enjoy the treatment of a foreign-invested enterprise, and
be issued a foreign-invested enterprise approval certificate and
foreign-invested enterprise business license.
Article 11
A foreign investor, fulfilling the conditions specified in Article 2
Item 1 (a), may contribute capital to and establish an investment company
in the name of its wholly-owned subsidiary.
Article 12
An investor that applies for approval to establish an investment
company shall submit a guarantee letter to the examination and approval
authorities in which it guarantees the capital contribution to the
registered capital and technology transfer by the investment company to
the enterprise(s) to be established when such investment company invests
within the territory of China.
In case an investment company is established in the name of its
wholly-owned subsidiary, the parent company shall provide such a guarantee
letter to the examination and approval authorities in which it guarantees
the capital contribution to the registered capital of the investment
company to be established by its subsidiary in accordance with the
conditions as approved by the examination and approval authorities, as
well as the capital contribution by the investment company to the
registered capital of and the technology transfer to the enterprise (s) to
be established when it invests within the territory of China.
Article 13
The investment activities by an investment company within the
territory of China shall not be limited to the place of its registration.
Article 14
Matters concerning the taxation of an investment company shall be
handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China.
Article 15
An Investment Company shall actually implement its project investment
plan, and its investment situation of the previous year shall be filed
with MOFTEC within the first 3 months of each year.
Article 16
An investment company and the enterprises established with its
investment shall be legal persons or entities independent of each other.
Their business transactions shall be dealt with as normal business
transaction between independent enterprises.
Article 17
An investment company as well as the enterprises established with its
investment shall abide by the laws and regulations of China, and shall not
escape from being administrated and evade paying taxes by any means.
Article 18
These Regulations are applicable as a measure of reference to
investors from the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao carrying out
investment and establishing investment companies in the mainland.
Article 19
The interpretation of these Regulations shall be vested in the
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
Article 20
These Regulations shall be implemented as of the date of their